Why Be Basic if You Can Be ADVANCED?
Nourish your essence. Refine your taste. Elevate your potential.
Hearing mentors say, “Never seize raising your bar of success,” has instilled a constant strive for growth, whether personal or professional, economical or social, educational or recreational. Practicing this mantra daily, from morning into afternoon, afternoon, until sunset, has eventually led to the creation of the signature program system that many live and grow by.
Δ ∇ Δ Π T Σ ™ stands for advanced if translated from the romance languages; a command to move ahead on a ship is now used universally by captains of the world. Universally, the AVANTE movement has propelled thousands of individuals to shift their vision, set themselves free to achieve their goals, and witness themselves live their dreams. Come aboard and join the crew of friends and supporters to move towards fulfilling and growing your potential!
Δ ∇ Δ Π T Σ ™: [ ˙ n τ e ι ι e κ t . ф˙z˙κ . э s p r˙t ] is a breakthrough approach towards your fitness, wellness, and overall feeling young and strong. Ask me today how I transform my clients' bodies, minds, and lives by implementing a holistic, integrative system into their daily routines. It is customized to an individual’s needs, time capacity, and dietary restrictions; it never discriminates — ALL can apply.
[ ˙ n τ e ι ι e κ t ]
highlighting news and vanguards of our culture globally and locally.
sharing a rich and meticulously handpicked collection of resources for those who seek literary and philosophical fulfillment or take an interest in classical and modern literary arts.
educating on matters that enrich intelligence, intuition, genius, and overall erudition.
[ ф˙z˙κ ]
a hybrid of athletic movements and styles, a fusion of cardio, pilates, yoga, HIIT, endurance, strength, and weight training.
daily practice of various intensities.
the most recent news in healthy nutrition studies and delicious recipes.
[ э s p r˙t ]
powerful and empowering signature meditations targeting internal blocks on the path to healing, letting go, and experiencing the freedom to live up to your true potential.
daily affirmations to raise your self-esteem and live with courage, honesty, and grace.
articles and excerpts on mental resilience, emotional balance, and spiritual strength.